the art of life

It is the heart of family gatherings or with friends, the final touch that ignites joy on any ocasion.

Our history

In 1830 D.Jose Cabaleiro decides to found a company dedicated to the wine aging, elaboration of brandies and ponche.
Ponche Caballero resurfaces in the 40’s, and manages to spread first in Andalusia, and a few years later all over Spain, becoming considered the Spanish liqueur of reference in Spain. The main sign ofits main identity is its silver bottle, this identity has no changed over time and has adapted to the most advanced aesthetics, style and techniques of each era.


Ponche Caballero is made through a long and meticulous process in which Andalusian citrus fruits, mainly oranges, are macerated together with a selection of the best botanicals.

A secret recipe where only the highest quality ingredients are used, including the skin of Andalusian oranges, vanilla, cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg.

Discover its sweet character, with notes of vanilla, spicy touches and hints of almond. Sweet and intense flavor.


Ponche Caballero se elabora mediante un proceso largo y meticuloso, en el que se maceran cítricos andaluces, principalmente naranjas, junto con una selección de los mejores botánicos.

Una receta secreta donde solo se utilizan únicamente los ingredientes de mayor calidad, entre los que destacan la piel de naranjas andaluzas, vainilla, canela, clavo y nuez moscada.

Descubre su carácter dulce, con notas de vainilla, toques especiados y notas de almendra. Sabor dulce e intenso.

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